5 Things Narcissists Deliberately Withhold To Torment You

Jun 28, 2024

There are 5 things that narcissistic people will deliberately withhold, not only to torment you, but also because the withholding of these five things  props up their false sense of superiority, and gives them the sense that they have the upper hand.

When dealing with a narcissist the name of the game is always going to be to manipulate, dominate, and control you.  And their withholding behavior is no exception.

Make no mistake, they purposely withhold primarily to hurt you.  But, there’s more to it than that!

In my view, this withholding behavior is also very much driven by their own feelings of inadequacy, fear, envy, and jealousy.

More often than not, they are far too judgemental, critical, jealous, and insecure to be able to show up in the relationship with anything genuine to offer you by way of praise, validation, approval, or acknowledgement even.  

So, they deliberately withhold, and then attempt to gaslight you when you happen to notice.

Watch the full video now to learn my best tips on how to handle the withholding narcissist in your life.


Click the link below to watch the full video now 👇👇👇

CLICK HERE:  https://youtu.be/QZjZZAz7Eag



~ Tamie M xx


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