8 Phrases That Scream Narcissism

Nov 15, 2024

Have you noticed that narcissistic people are nothing if not predictable?

I've found that a really good way to know whether or not you’re dealing with a true-blue, died-in-the wool destructive narcissist is by educating yourself so you're more easily able to spot the signs early.

​One way to empower yourself in this regard is knowing the kinds of things all narcissists are likely to say to you, sooner or later.

Narcissistic phrases are pat answers, sweeping statements, gaslighting tactics, and diversion techniques that people with a destructive narcissist personality pattern commonly use in order to maintain a false sense of superiority, as well as dominance and control over you.

In this video, I outline 8 phrases that quite literally scream narcissism.

​​These are the kind of things you’ll hear when you're experiencing narcissistic abuse, no matter how subtle, passive, or covert.


To watch the full video, go to:   https://youtu.be/kMgjGyCqdmw?si=lN2vHJw5nfp3YKPw


Tamie M xx


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