How to Make a Narcissist Instantly REGRET Insulting You

Dec 13, 2024

The trick to knowing how to make a narcissist instantly regret insulting you is deciding in advance that you will not, under any circumstances, give your power away.

This is no different than the posture and attitude you would want to embody if you were learning how to make a narcissist respect you, or even, how to make a narcissist fear you.

Narcissistic abuse often includes constant criticism, gaslighting, and being treated with unprovoked and unwarranted contempt and disdain.

The narcissist’s contemptuous attitude toward you manifests in the form of cheap shots, passive-aggressive digs, as well as outright insults.  And let’s be real, narcissistic people go for the jugular. 

How you conduct yourself in the face of destructive narcissism is everything IF you want to remain empowered.

This video will show you exactly how to do just that!

To watch the full video, go to:



Tamie M xx


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