Sep 18, 2019

When we share with others about our finally having come to a decision to cut off toxic, abusive, or otherwise low-empathy and manipulative people...


And how we are now choosing to no longer give them our time, energy, attention or effort...


And those around us morph into some twisted sense of moral superiority...


Often under the guise of just how darned "spiritual" and "enlightened" they (think) they are...


Understand that these people are fully exposing themselves for who THEY really are...


And we need to see that for what it actually is!! 


Let's be clear...


It is NOT resentful, vindictive, unspiritual, or mean to withdraw from toxic, abusive, pathologically envious people who have proven themselves time and time and time again to be harmful to our well being.


Those who judge us for having the strength, the grit, the courage, and the balls to do what we need to do to take care of ourselves are either...


Unbelievably naive and arrogant...




Full-blown enablers and toxic people themselves who likely also enjoy manipulating, diminishing, demeaning, targeting, and/or exploiting others.


Know this...


It's NOT that I'm holding a grudge.

It's NOT that my heart is hard.

It's NOT that I have anger issues.

And it's certainly NOT that I lack the capacity to forgive.


*** IT'S THAT I HAVE B.O.U.N.D.A.R.I.E.S. ***




I have ZERO issue enforcing them in order to maintain the happy, healthy, peaceful life I've worked SO freaking hard to create for myself.


Anyone who thinks otherwise can keep their bullshit opinions to themselves.


Talk to me when you've lived it and lived enough of it to have a clue.


In the meantime, go find someone MUCH easier to gaslight!


I'm NOT that girl a.n.y.m.o.r.e!!


With a heart full of massive Love,
~ Tamie M xx


#knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom

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