Narcissists’ 8 Favorite Catchphrases - Spot Them a MILE Away

May 17, 2024

In this video, I upack the narcissists’ 8 favorite catchphrases, so you can spot them a mile away, and take care of yourself accordingly.

The typical narcissist catchphrases are just another way the narcissist is predictable beyond belief, and when you know what to look for, you’ll be less susceptible to manipulation, exploitation, and narcissistic abuse.  

When you’re dealing with someone who is narcissistic, it usually won’t be long before the signs of narcissistic abuse begin to be revealed, and knowing these catchphrases can help you spot the signs early and avoid unnecessary pain and trauma.

Narcissistic abuse healing, in particular, if you’ve been in close contact with someone who has a narcissistic personality disorder, is a journey that takes time, effort, and the determination to live the life you deserve to be living.

Whether the abuse has been from your narcissistic mother, narcissistic parents, narcissistic father, narcissistic sibling, or any other individual displaying the tell-tale traits of destructive narcissism, it’s important to stop being a reliable source of narcissistic supply, so you can heal from the narcissistic abuse.

Again, healing from narcissistic abuse takes effort on your part, but know this… 

Stepping into narcissistic abuse recovery, and healing from the damage caused by the narcissist relationship is key to living a good, happy, healthy life in peace and freedom.  

You deserve at least that... and SO much more!


Click the link below to watch the full video now 👇👇👇




~ Tamie M xx


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