The Cruelest Form of Gaslighting

Jul 05, 2024

Here’s the thing…

Behaving poorly in any relationship, whether that be mean-spirited and toxic gossip, withholding behavior, or anything that would qualify as outright abuse, and then having the audacity to add insult to injury by telling the person that you’ve just hurt that they are the issue, when they dare to confront you...

Flipping the script and attempting to shift blame and responsibility by saying something like, “You’re crazy, needy, insecure, or paranoid"...

Saying anything that sends the message that THEY are the problem and to blame for having a legitimate feeling response to the shitty way you’ve shown up in the relationship...

Behaving this way in ANY relationship IS without question, the cruelest form of gaslighting.

To be clear, attempting to cause another to doubt themselves, their experience, and their perception of reality....

Attempting to put the onus, the blame, and the shame on someone you’ve hurt by denying you’ve done anything wrong, and worse, accusing them of being the one doing the damage...

Hurting them and then blaming them for the very real hurt that YOU have caused, is not only emotionally and psychologically abusive, it’s evil!  No matter which way you slice it, friends!

Gaslighting IS without question emotional and psychological manipulation and abuse.  It is lying at the very least.  Lying by omission and outright.  It IS without question a relationship crime.

In my view, it is and should always be an absolute deal breaker, in ANY relationship, no matter who the person is, or how long they’ve been in  your life.

Anyone who feels entitled to hurt you, and then blame you for having a feeling about it needs to be cast out of your life.  Permanently!  You have to start trusting yourself, your experience, and your perception of reality. 

Hear me:  You are NOT crazy - and - you did NOT misunderstand.

Click the link below to watch the full video now 👇👇👇


~ Tamie M xx


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