Aug 18, 2019

It continues to fascinate the hell out of me how abusive people live their lives from a place of childish entitlement, with zero gratitude or remorse...


Perpetually provoking the people closest to them to untold levels of stress, anger, frustration, and pain...


Then have the full-on audacity to cry 'victim' while accusing their target of being the abusive one!! #wowza


That's quite the MAGIC trick!! 


What I find SO telling is this is usually inspired by three simple things...


#1 ~ Someone sets a reasonable and healthy boundary.


#2 ~ They're not getting their way.


#3 ~ A light is being shone on their appalling thinking and behaving.


Here's the thing...


They don't call them 'energy vampires' for nothing!!


IF you have someone in your life treating you in this fashion in spite of your BEST efforts to 'help them' while they flat out refuse to help themselves...


In spite of your BEST efforts to be cool, fair, generous, kind, loving, flexible, and reasonable...


While fully owning your part... like an adult... however big or small...


While spending copious amounts of time, effort, and energy in an attempt to... 'work it out' ...


Here's my advice to you...




Cut your losses and get the hell out of there.




You'll NEVER 'work it out' with this type of individual.


They're far too busy spinning, twisting, lying, distorting, manipulating, and omitting large chunks of the Truth!!


You CAN'T 'work it out' with someone who is fundamentally and constitutionally incapable of owning their shit!!


Very well defended they are from ANY REAL self-reflection!!


Do this instead...


Search for the lesson and the gold and grow yourself to the next level... and the next... and the next!!


"Their" twisted perspective?


Don't get ANY of that shit on you!! 


You know who you are.


You know what you live.


You know what you did and did not do or say, how and to whom.


Rest in that.


Take no shit!!


And cut them loose!!


Life's too short!!


Go be Happy!!


And ALWAYS ALWAYS be Grateful for the lessons!!


Just be sure to learn them!!


#knowyourvalue  #unlockyourfreedom

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