What Narcissists Do When They Think You're Too Tough to Control, Manipulate, and Dominate

Jan 24, 2025

What narcissists do when they think you’re too tough to control, manipulate, and dominate can be shocking and hurtful, but also very predictable!

Knowing what narcissists do in response to your strength, courage, and personal power can give you an unfair advantage when dealing with someone who lands on the spectrum of destructive narcissism.

With this video, I’m giving you that unfair advantage so you know what to expect in advance and therefore, are better able to take good care of yourself when dealing with narcissistic people.

Whether you're contending with your narcissistic mother, your narcissistic father, both of your narcissistic parents, your narcissistic sibling, your narcissistic boss, or anyone else you may encounter with high narcissistic traits.

It’s time to take your power back and thrive… without all the extra bs the narcissist brings to the table!


To watch the full video, go to:  https://youtu.be/qmigxfnbDr4



~ Tamie M xx


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